Green Bay Packers: Mock Draft Battle 2.0
By Paul Bretl

With the NFL Combine now complete, here are three, three-round mock drafts for the Green Bay Packers. Which one is your favorite?
The NFL Combine has taken place which means it’s the perfect time for another edition of the Dairyland Express Mock Draft Battle!
While the combine certainly isn’t everything when it comes to evaluating a prospect, it is something. It’s an opportunity for NFL teams and evaluators to see if the athleticism that a player puts on tape, matches up with how they perform in these on the field drills. However, if there’s a discrepancy, whether positive or negative, a second look at the tape is needed.
And the really good combine performances or the really bad combine performances can send players flying up or down a team’s big board.
So for a quick refresher on the Mock Draft Battle, Mike Wendlandt, Kenny Jilek, and myself each complete our own three-round mock drafts, addressing the positions and picking the players that we think will be best for the Green Bay Packers. We give our reasoning behind each selection and the readers can then vote over on Twitter for their favorite.
Mike was the winner the first time around, but let’s see what happens in version 2.0 and how the combine performances affected who we selected.