1. This player is in the best shape of his life.
This is by far the most common overreaction you’ll hear this Summer. Every team has a handful of players who claim to be in the best shape of their life or have others make the claims about them.
It feels like every year, every player is in the best shape of their life.
At the end of the day, this means very little to how the players actually produce during games. Just because a crappy player is in the best shape of his life, doesn’t mean he will actually turn into a good player. There are a lot more variables than that.
All of these overreactions are easy to buy into because we want to believe the hype. The hype is real! However, it’s important we slow things down when we see something we like from our favorite player on the practice field. It’s easy to fall into these traps as we get closer and closer to meaningful football. So be careful.